Mindblown: a blog about SHY Entrepreneurs.
Island Economics
Have you ever wondered why one company thrives while another fizzles? It is a question that I come back to on a continual basis. The more I process the factors associated with success and failure of businesses the more I realize the answers for both are numerous. I don’t like this. I have to believe…
4 Steps From Solo-Preneur To Manager
When you first start a business all of your attention will be focused squarely on getting done what needs doing in order to get your business off the ground. You have to manage everything yourself, you are a solo-preneur. As a solo-preneur you are a marketer, financial manager, logistics manager and customer services rep. But…
Why You Shouldn’t Limit Yourself To Only One Career
You’re attending an event. Someone asks, “What do you do?” How do you answer? Maybe you say, “I own a restaurant.” Or, “I’m a manager at Acme Industries.” Or, “I’m a teacher.” Whatever you say, I bet your answer won’t include the word “and.” But it should, regardless of the stigma often associated with being…
Growth Strategy, When to Step Up Capacity.
Small and home-based businesses need to operate as efficiently as possible and following a growth strategy is a significant part of that equation. Knowing how and when to grow is essential to expanding as fast as possible without overextending. In the survival phase growth is not the focus but as a small business matures growth…
The Effective Executive. Peter F. Drucker
So I have another note worthy book for anyone looking to become more effective as either an entrepreneur or in their place of business. The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done (Harperbusiness Essentials) by Peter F. Drucker is a classic resource for anyone looking for more exposure into the world…
Reader’s Questions on Contemporary Business Issues.
The following list was posed to me by a reader so I thought if this person had these questions others may also. Each refers to small business and the issue of growth. I left the questions as they were asked 1. Are small to medium sized companies innovative needs, more crucial to their success than…
What Is Cash Flow Management And Why Should You Care?
With the exception of volunteer organization cash is the life blood of every company. You know this reality more intimately than you may realize through the monthly expenses and income you experience. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Or, are you making enough to cover your bills with some left over to put into savings?…
Are Small Business Degrees For the Entrepreneur?
The topic of formal education is often on the minds of entrepreneurs as they begin their journey the problem is formal education can be expensive and requires a great deal of time. So what does one really get from such a program and is it worth all of the investment? Only you will ultimately know…
How to Become a Business Owner, The Layers of Resistance
Most of the working class chooses to subscribe to the 9 to 5 paradigm yet many question why they chose this path. If you are stuck in a job you do not like or have wondered how to become a business owner read on. There is more going on behind the scenes than you may…
Conflict Management Strategies Used In The Workplace
Whether you own your own business or simply work in an environment with other people you will run into situations that require you to manage conflict. Conflicts can be interpersonal, profession, or simply strategic in any case having the ability to work through conflict is a vital skill. You may not realize how much conflicts…
Got any book recommendations?