If you want to Learn How To Make Money a great resources can be found right her at ShyEntrepreneur.com. We have been successfully involved with business ventures since 1998 and marketing online since 2005. With that experience we have created curriculum to help you do the same. A notable highlight in our lineup is a proprietary business model known as Small Business Strategy and Tactics .
The Small Business Strategy and Tactics model was created to compile the necessary and sufficient conditions required for a successful money making strategy. The model consists of 5 modules and addresses everything from what is needed on the individual level all the way through to a step by step process for executing your idea. The goal is to start with the individual and build upon their strengths. What I admire the most about this approach is that it is a proven method in itself that can bring in completely passive income.
I started out in 1999 making next to nothing and before too long I had exercised a few fundamental business truths that pulled in thousands of dollars form the internet. I got my start on ebay selling products I made and have now transitioned into showing others how to do what I have accomplished.
There are a lot of “How to make money” programs out there but few exist with out compromising integrity. At Shy Entrepreneur we believe that true value only exists when a solution is built on a sound foundation and truth. Fundamental truths dictate who does well, and who does not, it is our goal to educate you on those truths and guide you towards honest success.
Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt, the author of the Theory of Constraints, insists that the goal of any business is to make money now and in the future, which I would agree with, but I would add that the money is simply a means to an end. I am in business to change people’s lives and Shy Entrepreneur is the current tool we use to do just that.
I am a living testimony to the Shy Entrepreneur model of business and am excited to expose the world to this quality business solution.
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