Tag: Basics of small business
The Four Stages Of Wealth Creation; From Clueless To Capitalist.
Over the years of my practice and subsequent success/failures I have grown to appreciate the multifaceted reality associated with conducting business well. I have found that everyone puts their own spin on creating wealth or has a bias that bleeds through their approach to business. This isn’t bad it simply illustrates that there are many…
Is Starting A Business In 2023 Going To Be A Good Idea?
No one knows the future so its tough to give a solid answer to this but what I can say is that starting any business at any time is a great idea if you do it the correct way. If you read through this site you will find many articles on all facets of business…
Earn To Save, Budgeting Personal Finances For Freedom, Flexibility, and Peace of Mind
In the previous section we discussed How Saving Money Works and What it Will Afford You. If you have done this and have established a habit of saving you have begun the process of creating a personal budget that will give you freedom, flexibility, and peace of mind. Having a plan is essential and establishing/sticking…
Earning To Spend, How To Increase Your Income
The first piece of the financial equation that people often address is; how to make more money? Naturally this is where people start when making career choices and planning their futures. So, lets take a look at how we can influence the “money in” side of things. How can we bring more money into your…
Best Small Businesses to Start in 2016
What was the best small business to start in 2016? Have you been asking yourself; what are the best small businesses to start? I had that very question and have spent a great deal of time breaking that question apart. After all, why spend time on building a business that in the end won’t last…
Top 5 Considerations for Small Business Success
1. Business is simple; don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be. Having spent a lot of time studying organizations and business theory I am so surprised at how little of it makes its way into successful companies. This is especially true for smaller organizations. In the end a business fails because it…
Key Small Business Success Factors
Many factors play a role in the success or failure of a small business, but how can these factors be assessed across business types and how do we identify which ones are key? In previous articles we have addressed how businesses can compete relative to one another but here we will dig into the key…
The Up Side to Inefficiency
For the past year I have been trying to wrap my brain around the paradoxical relationship between effectiveness and efficiency in small businesses. I have understood that one can be effective without being efficient but I could not reason why. I kept thinking this was a reality that persisted in spite of itself and ultimately…
Island Economics
Have you ever wondered why one company thrives while another fizzles? It is a question that I come back to on a continual basis. The more I process the factors associated with success and failure of businesses the more I realize the answers for both are numerous. I don’t like this. I have to believe…
Reader’s Questions on Contemporary Business Issues.
The following list was posed to me by a reader so I thought if this person had these questions others may also. Each refers to small business and the issue of growth. I left the questions as they were asked 1. Are small to medium sized companies innovative needs, more crucial to their success than…